[Dbix-class] Bug in DBIx::Class v0.06999_03

Jonas jonas.alves at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 01:22:01 CEST 2006


I think the new dbic dev version has a bug.
With dbic 0.06003 this peace of code

$model->schema->txn_do( sub {
            for my $attrs ( map $self->_relationship_attrs($table,
$_), $table->relationships ) {
                if ($attrs->{type} eq 'many_to_many') {
                    $item->delete_related($attrs->{rel_name}, {
$attrs->{foreign_col} => $item->id });
                    for my $id ($c->req->param( $attrs->{rel_name} )) {
                        next unless $id;
                        $item->create_related($attrs->{rel_name}, {
                            $attrs->{foreign_col}    => $item->id,
                            $attrs->{other_self_col} => $id,
                } elsif ($attrs->{type} eq 'has_many') {
                    $item->search_related($attrs->{rel_name}, {
                        $attrs->{foreign_col} => $item->id,
                        $attrs->{self_col} => { -not_in => [
$c->req->param( $attrs->{rel_name} ) ] },
                    $item->search_related($attrs->{rel_name}, {
                        $attrs->{self_col} => [ grep $_,
$c->req->param( $attrs->{rel_name} ) ]
                    })->update({ $attrs->{foreign_col} => $item->id });

returns the next sql statments:

DELETE FROM dvd WHERE ( ( ( id NOT IN ( ? ) AND owner = ? ) ) ) (`5', `1')
UPDATE dvd SET owner = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( id = ? ) ) ) ) ) (`1', `5')
DELETE FROM user_role WHERE ( ( ( user = ? ) ) ) (`1')
INSERT INTO user_role (role, user) VALUES (?, ?) (`2', `1')
DELETE FROM dvd WHERE ( ( ( current_owner = ? AND id NOT IN ( ? ) ) )
) (`1', `5')
UPDATE dvd SET current_owner = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( id = ? ) ) ) ) ) (`1', `5')

But with dbic v0.06999_03 the returned statements are:

DELETE FROM dvd WHERE ( ( ( id NOT IN ( ? ) AND owner = ? ) AND (
owner = ? ) ) ): '5', '1', '1'
UPDATE dvd SET owner = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( id = ? ) ) ) AND ( owner = ?
) ) ): '1', '5', '1'
DELETE FROM user_role WHERE ( ( ( user = ? ) AND ( user = ? ) ) ): '1', '1'
INSERT INTO user_role (role, user) VALUES (?, ?): '2', '1'
DELETE FROM dvd WHERE ( ( ( current_owner = ? AND id NOT IN ( ? ) )
AND ( current_owner = ? ) ) ): '1', '5', '1'
UPDATE dvd SET current_owner = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( id = ? ) ) ) AND (
current_owner = ? ) ) ): '1', '5', '1'

Note the repetition of fields in the where clause and the absence of
"BEGIN WORK" and "COMMIT" staments.

The dvd table has 2 fields that are FK's of the user table. Maybe that
is confusing dbic.


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