[Dbix-class] role of result class?

Michele Beltrame mb at italpro.net
Wed Mar 8 15:15:06 CET 2006

Hello Jess!

> So if you want to add methods to a search result as a whole, you need to 
> create your own result_class ..

I enter the discussion. ;-)

I'm a Catalyst user and I have some very complex searches I'd like to
stick into a Model rather than a Controller, i.e a
"get_events_for_day(day)" for a calendar. When I wa susing Class::DBI I
just used to extend the class relative to the table with a new method,
but with DBIx::Class::Schema I'm unsure how to do that. Should I create
my own result_class in this case, as you say? Also, does this make sense
or should I stick everything in the Controller (even though I think the
Model is more appropriate)?

	Thanks, Michele.

Michele Beltrame
ICQ# 76660101
Informativa privacy: http://www.italpro.net/em.html

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