[Dbix-class] DBD::SQLite 1.13 segfaulting with DBIC, but not with simple DBI
Steven Mackenzie
dbix at aptile.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 15:47:35 CEST 2006
On Windows I've been using DBD::SQLite 1.12 because I get a lot of error
messages on my console if I use version 1.13 with Class::DBI.
I've just come back up to the 1.13 version to do some investigation, so
I thought I'd run your test script to see what happened. It looked like
it ran OK, I got this output:
C:\Documents and Settings\steven\My Documents\code\perl\testers>sqlite3
SQLite version 3.3.5
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table table1 (text not null);
sqlite> .quit
C:\Documents and Settings\steven\My Documents\code\perl\testers>perl
te -e "print $DBD::SQLite::VERSION"
C:\Documents and Settings\steven\My Documents\code\perl\testers>perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(with 33 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
Binary build 819 [267479] provided by ActiveState http://www.ActiveState.com
Built Aug 29 2006 12:42:41
C:\Documents and Settings\steven\My Documents\code\perl\testers>perl
1.try to insert NULL value:
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: table1.text may not be NULL(1) at
dbdimp.c line
402 at c:/Perl/site/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 771.
OOOPS: Caught exception >DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create(): Error
executing 'INSE
RT INTO table1 (text) VALUES (?)': table1.text may not be NULL(1) at
dbdimp.c li
ne 402 at dbixc_exception line 22<!
2.try to insert NULL value:
DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: table1.text may not be NULL(21) at
dbdimp.c line
376 at c:/Perl/site/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 771.
OOOPS: Caught exception >DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create(): Error
executing 'INSE
RT INTO table1 (text) VALUES (?)': table1.text may not be NULL(21) at
dbdimp.c l
ine 376 at dbixc_exception line 22<!
If this line is printed, you didn't reproduce the error.
Stephan Brunner wrote:
>(Maybe my mail has been overlooked because I unintentionally replied to
>the "Prefetching multiple has_many relationships" thread. I dare to post it
>Hi all,
>there's some details / history to this issue at
>Basline: My app (using DBIC 0.07002, DBD::SQLite 1.13, Perl 5.8.7 on kubuntu
>6.06) is sometimes segfaulting when I repeatedly cause an exception in the
>database (e.g. via invalid inserts).
>I tracked down the issue to a minimum sample script (see below for sample with
>DBIC; see discussion above for sample with CDBI).
>The thing is: the segfault occurs when using DBIC or CDBI, but not if I'm
>using plain DBI. I'm not deep enought into this stuff to know what DBIC and
>CDBI do different than plain DBI...
>The other thing is: It happens with DBD::SQLite 1.13, but not with 1.12 nor
>I'm quite confused and don't know where exactly the problem lies (that's why I
>CC'ed Matt Sergeant with the first post to this list).
>Maybe as a first step, could some of you try to reproduce the behaviour I'm
>seeing? Of course, any other help is much appreciated!
>Thanks & regards,
>Here is a working sample with plain DBI. It catches two exceptions and
>gracefully exits:
>use warnings;
>use strict;
>use DBI;
>unlink "test.db"; # make sure we start from scratch
>my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=test.db');
>$dbh->do('CREATE TABLE table1 (text NOT NULL)');
>$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
># Generate exceptions by trying to insert NULL values
>foreach (1..2) {
> print "$_.try to insert NULL value:\n";
> eval {
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (?)');
> $sth->execute(undef);
> # also working:
> # $dbh->do('INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(NULL)');
> };
> if ($@) {
> chomp $@;
> print "OOOPS: Caught exception >$@<!\n";
> }
>Here is the same thing (?) using DBIx::Class. It requires the file test.db to
>exist with the schema "CREATE TABLE table1 (text NOT NULL)".
>On my box, it segfaults when attempting the second invalid insert:
>use warnings;
>use strict;
>package My::Schema::Table1;
>use base 'DBIx::Class';
>package My::Schema;
>use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
>package main;
>my $schema = My::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=test.db");
># Generate exceptions by trying to insert NULL values
>foreach (1..2) {
> print "$_.try to insert NULL value:\n";
> eval {
> $schema->resultset('Table1')->create({ text => undef });
> };
> if ($@) {
> chomp $@;
> print "OOOPS: Caught exception >$@<!\n";
> }
>print "If this line is printed, you didn't reproduce the error.\n";
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