[Dbix-class] Proper way to escape underscores in DBIC (DBI 101, sorry)

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Fri Oct 13 13:44:31 CEST 2006

apv wrote:
> I want/need to escape underscores so that simple searches can't be 
> "hacked" by users, accidentally or intentionally. The DBI doc shows 
> this as the way to do it:
>    $esc = $dbh->get_info( 14 );  # SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE
>    $search_pattern =~ s/([_%])/$esc$1/g;
> Where/how should I do it in (a Catalyst app that's doing) searches with 
> DBIC? I'm interested in overriding it for *all* user facing searches 
> since users should only be allowed to supply literal chars.

Don't use LIKE?

_% are only special in the context of a LIKE query.


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