[Dbix-class] DBIC under Perl 5.6.1
m8sf-ijyo at xemaps.com
Tue Sep 19 10:01:07 CEST 2006
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt S Trout [mailto:dbix-class at trout.me.uk]
> Sent: 18 September 2006 17:29
> To: claco at chrislaco.com; dbix-class at lists.rawmode.org
> Subject: Re: [Dbix-class] DBIC under Perl 5.6.1
> Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> >
> > Not that I disagree, but if the difference between someone
> using and not
> > using Handel is that they have a 5.6.1 shop and I didn't
> bother to test
> > or support 5.6.1, then I'd rather support it than lose the user. But
> > that's just me.
> Same policy should stand for DBIC IMO.
> > Plus, there isn't really anything 5.8 specific in Handel except some
> > minor issues with displaying currency symbols/l10n
> exceptions, and even
> > those worked in Handel 0.33 under 5.6.1.
> >
> > If I were totally invested into 5.8 like Cat was, that would be a
> > different story. I think DBIC falls more into the former
> rather than the
> > latter case. If the only thing holding DBIC back from official 5.6.1
> > support is the option UTF8Columns component and one test,
> then I so go
> > for it. But I'm silly like that. :-P
> Cat isn't. The last thing stopping me having it working under
> 5.6.2 was
> Path::Class, but as I say the commercial purpose vanished and
> nobody seemed to
> care. Maybe I'll revisit it one day when I'm bored/drunk/both.
In the mean time, I'll install DBIC 0.07002 onto my 5.6.1 system, ignoring the failing test, and I'll let you know if I have any problems.
Note that my platform is Solaris and my DB is Sybase.
Will keep you posted.
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