[Dbix-class] Ambiguous column references when doing search_related

Daniel Austin daniel.austin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 14:18:34 GMT 2007


I have two tables that both have a column called "name". Table A has a
foreign key "fkey" which is the primary key in table B.  I generate a
result set of rows from table B, and then perform related search to
get associated records from table A:

    my $a_rs = $schema->resultset('B')->search( { name => { like =>
'sometext%' } } );

This throws an exception: the generated SQL contains an ambiguous
column reference because both tables have a column called "name".

The generated SQL from the error message is:

> DBIx::Class::ResultSet::all(): Error executing 'SELECT A.id, A.name,
> A.description, A.fkey,
> B me LEFT JOIN A A ON ( A.fkey = me.id ) WHERE (
> name LIKE ? )': ERROR:  column reference "name" is ambiguous
> LINE 1: ...A ON ( A.fkey = me.id ) WHERE ( name LIKE ...

If I run this SQL manually but correct the WHERE clause to be "WHERE (
me.name like ?)" then the SQL returns the results I was expecting.

DBIx::Class seems to have carefully disambiguated column names in the
SELECT part of the query but not in the WHERE part. I can't see a way
to coax DBIx::Class into fixing that issue. I suppose I could rename
all the columns so that they're unique across all tables but that
seems like a weird thing to do and I figure I must be missing
something else.

I've compared my hand-written DBIx::Class classes with generated
classes from DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader since I thought I made an
error describing the classes but I can't see any significant

Any ideas? Hope someone can help! Thanks.

[FYI: Using PostgreSQL 8.2.3, DBIx::Class 0.07005, Perl 5.8.6, DBI
1.54, DBD::Pg 1.49.]


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