[Dbix-class] load_classes and common base class

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Sat Apr 21 16:06:16 GMT 2007

On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 03:19:14PM +0100, Ash Berlin wrote:
> The way I do things is;

Ok, so your result sources just inherit from a base class.

Ok, so this has me wondering:

>     # $self->resultset_class('My::ResultSet');

I noticed that in the cookbook.  Are you using a single class to
define commonly used result sets?  Seems like one would want custom
result sets to be specific to a given table class.

Where is resultset_class documented?

I think an example would help clear things up for me quite a bit:

In CDBI I create extra methods in the table classes as needed to
extend those classes.  Sometimes these are instance methods and other
times class methods.

For example, I have the common setup where when someone signs up for
an account they get sent a confirmation email that they must use to
complete the registration process.

I have a table account_confirmation that tracks these pending accounts.
I also have a users table (called "person") where I store their signup

People will sign up for an account, but never complete the process by
responding to the account confirmation email, so I have to
periodically delete those pending accounts.

In CDBI I have a class methods that does that:


And a feature (or problem) with CDBI is that the $dbh can be found
from the class using Foo->db_Main.  Don't need to pass $schema in, for

That means I can do:

package AccountConfirmation;

sub clean {
    my $self = shift;

    # Deleting a person will cascade delete account_confirmation

    my $sql = <<'';
        delete from person where id in
                person p
                JOIN account_confirmation a ON (p.id = a.person)
                a.created_time < now() - interval '1 day'

    return $self->db_Main->do( $sql );

So, how do I implement something like that in DBIC?

Is this where ResultSetManager comes in?

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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