[Dbix-class] [newbie]How to call stored procedure?(doc already read)

Tony Winslow tonywinslow1986 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 11:55:09 GMT 2007

Peter Flanigan wrote:
> Tony Winslow wrote:
>> Danny Warren wrote:
>>> It would be helpful if you could post a code sample.  I am sure
>>> someone could spot it quickly that way (more eyes, etc etc).
>>> Check to make sure the first argument to your search call is truly
>>> undef, and make sure you are passing your array of bind values as a
>>> reference.
>>> This is the error I get when I fat-finger in a search call, and
>>> checking for undefs and refs at the offending point is the first
>>> thing I try.
>> Here is my codes:
>> # Document.pm -- Controller
>> ......
>> sub test : Local {
>>    my ($self, $c) = @_;
>>    my @cnt;
>> #  my $cnt;
>>    $c->model('MyDB::RevComp')->search(
>>        undef,
>>        bind => \@cnt
>> #      bind => \$cnt
>>    );
>>    .......
>> }
> And as Danny pointed out, you are missing the {} around bind => \@cnt
> Regards
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Oh, sorry for the typo.
In my code, the braces do exist, but it still failed to work!

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