[Dbix-class] Can't call method "storage"

Ryan VanderBijl ryan-dbix at vbijl.net
Fri Jun 1 16:12:54 GMT 2007

I'm getting the following error:
    "Can't call method "storage" on an undefined value at
    /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DBIx/Class/ResultSource.pm line 442."

I'm using version DBIx::Class version 0.07006.

This is within a Catalyst application.

I have my schema setup with IcAccount, and IcGazetteer. The IcAccount
has_many IcGazetteer.  Normally this works. E.g:
    my $account = $c->model("db::IcAccount")->find({account_id => 1});
    my @entries = $account->gazetteer_entries;                        

However, the following will produce the above error:
    my $account = $c->model("db::IcAccount")->find({account_id => 1});
    $c->session->{"account"} = $account;                              

    # ... new page request

    # Optional: doesn't work with or without:
    # my $source = $c->model("db")->schema->source("IcAccount");
    # $c->session->{"account"}->result_source( $source );
    # or
    # $c->session->{"account"}->set_simple( "result_source", $source );
    my @entries = $c->session->{"account"}->gazetteer_entries;         

Any suggestions?

Hmm, I also just noticed that this gives me an error:
    my $account = $c->model("db::IcAccount")->find({account_id => 1});
    my @entries = $account->gazetteer_entries;                        
    $c->session->{"account"} = $account;      
    [Fri Jun  1 16:09:26 2007] [catalyst] [error] Caught exception in engine
    "Can't store CODE items at blib/lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into         
    blib/lib/auto/Storable/_freeze.al) line 290, at                
    /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DBIx/Class/Serialize/Storable.pm line 10, at
    /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Object/Signature.pm line 19"                


Ryan VanderBijl   |   http://vbijl.net/~ryan/

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