[Dbix-class] Adding a relationship at runtime.

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Tue Jun 5 01:33:25 GMT 2007

On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 08:22:05PM +0400, Oleg Pronin wrote:
> Well, i have users and games.
> Each user has a general result row for each game (usergame, has column
> rating, settings etc).
> user -> has_many usergames
> Each game has the perl server (daemon). And inside those server
> the relationship between user and usergame become exactly has_one.
> I want to add 'has_one' relationship inside the perl server (the schema has
> already been created at this momemt) and proxy common usergame columns to
> simply call
> $user->rating, $user->settings etc.

Why not just do the add_rel on the class then re-register_source the
result_source_instance ?

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