[Dbix-class] Question about relationship result caching

Mike Henson mdh2112 at speakeasy.net
Sun Jun 17 06:22:45 GMT 2007


If I call a relationship accessor are the resulting objects it produces
cached or is the query sent to the db every time?


# Very basic relationship snippets
package Example::Shelf;
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( 'books' => 'Example::Books' );


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

.. connection stuff ..

my $shelf = $schema->resultset('Shelf');

my @books = $shelf->books;  # Does the query to get these objects

my @other_books = $shelf->books;  # Does the query happen again?

I looked in the source for a way to set a 'cache'=>1 attribute on
relationships and inflated columns, but it doesn't seem to be in the
list from DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base.



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