[Dbix-class] Table indexes for deployment

Eric Waters ewaters at xmission.com
Tue Jun 19 20:51:23 GMT 2007

Let's get talking about being able to define table indexes in the DBIC schema in the same way the `extras' field is a passthru to SQL::Translator in the (experimental) Schema->deploy():

	id     => { data_type => 'INT', is_auto_increment => 1, extras => { unsigned => 1 }, },
	author => { data_type => 'INT', extras => { unsigned => 1 }, },

    author_idx => { columns => [ 'author' ], options => [ ... ] },

When $schema->deploy(), causes SQL::Translator object to be called like:

	  name => 'author_idx',
	  fields => [ 'author' ],
      options => [ ... ],

foreach table index prior to the deployment of the schema to the storage.  The options (and any other args) could be passthru to SQL::Translator::Schema::Table->add_index(), with the DBIC key 'columns' remapped to the SQLT key 'fields'.


Eric Waters

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