[Dbix-class] Class::Storage::DBI, connect_info/on_connect_do

Adam Bartosik adam.bartosik at hurra.com
Thu Jun 21 09:09:59 GMT 2007

> I would recommend for now explicitly setting "mysql_auto_reconnect =>
> 0" in your connect_info options hashref and seeing if this clears up
> your problem.

Yes, setting
mysql_auto_reconnect => 0
disables internal DBD handling of auto-reconnect and on_connect_do SQLs 

> perhaps we should explicitly set mysql_auto_reconnect to off in
> Storage::DBI? (since it has a "mysql_", I suspect we could set it
> there and other drivers would ignore it - putting it in the proper
> subclass would be a pita since we don't rebless into the subclass
> until after connecting).

I think this is what typical user could expect. Now it is rather buggy 
when you put some statements into "on_connect_do" but nothing happens 
after reconnection and you think "%^&$! it doesn't work!"

There is probably not so much difference in performance between 
DBD::mysql ping /reconnect and DBIx reconnect, using the second one give 
us some portability across DBs.

Adam.Bartosik at hurra.com  http://www.hurra-communications.com/
$ o m e    t e a m  .  d e v e l o p e r
Hurra Communications, Krakow/Stuttgart/London/Paris/Madrid

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