[Dbix-class] complex db function
Oleg Pronin
syber.rus at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 15:05:33 GMT 2007
First method is to pass a scalar ref as one column (it will fall directly in
select=3D>['id', \'round((julianday(date2) - julianday(date1))*86400)'}],
as =3D> [('id',lastdate')],
2007/3/19, rahed <raherh at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'd like to use a database function from SQLite which should produce
> this select:
> select id,round((julianday(date2) - julianday(date1))*86400) as 'tdiff'
> from mytable;
> I know I can search the resultset and specify the source for my column
> value as a function but don't know how to use the above more complex
> query with several functions.
> e.g. $rs->search(undef,{
> select=3D>['id',{somefunction=3D>'date2'}],
> as =3D> [('id',lastdate')],
> });
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you.
> --
> Radek
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