[Dbix-class] automatically applying db-functions on specific
"Dieter Späth"
SHAD0WRUNNER at gmx.de
Mon May 7 09:18:48 GMT 2007
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 07 May 2007 09:44:28 +0200
Von: quarky at quantentunnel.de
An: dbix-class at lists.rawmode.org
Betreff: [Dbix-class] automatically applying db-functions on specific fields
> Hi,
> hope this is not too much a newby question, but it really bugs me.
> I have a table with encrypted information in one field. Actually it is
> encrypted with the aes_encrypt function of mysql. I would like to use this
> function to automatically encrypt and decrypt the values in this field using
> the database function, but I do not find any hook where I can attach the
> function to DBIx::Class. I imagine it to work just automatically everytime I
> insert, update or read values.
> Any suggestions? (In the unlikely event, that someone might know how to
> emulate aes_encrypt by using perl on the client side, I would appreciate this
> information too, but I am still interested in usage of db-functions on
> fields anyways)
> Best Regards
> Wolfgang Warner
For reading try this:
$rs = $schema->resultset('Employee')->search(undef, {
+select => [ \"AES_DECRYPT(field_name,'password')" ],
+as => [qw/ decrypted_field_name /],
More Information can be found
"Using database functions or stored procedures"
perldoc SQL::Abstract
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