[Dbix-class] Re: How to grep field types?
A. Pagaltzis
pagaltzis at gmx.de
Fri May 11 14:01:49 GMT 2007
* RA Jones <ra.jones at dpw.clara.co.uk> [2007-05-11 14:15]:
> because this controller method is generating an sql 'where'
> from two schemas, I have to do this:
> foreach( qw/Schema::Foo Schema::Bar/ ) {
> my $schema = $_;
foreach my $schema ( qw/Schema::Foo Schema::Bar/ ) {
> my $src = $c->model($schema)->result_source;
> push @date_fields, grep { $src->column_info($_)->{data_type} eq 'DATE' } $src->columns;
> }
I’d write that as a map.
@date_fields = map {
my $src = $c->model($_)->result_source;
grep { $src->column_info($_)->{data_type} eq 'DATE' } $src->columns;
} qw( Schema::Foo Schema::Bar );
That’s really too much work for a map block, though…
I’ll be naughty and monkey-patch DBIx::ResultSource:
sub DBIx::ResultSource::all_columns_info {
my $self = shift;
map +{
column_name => $_,
%{ $self->column_info($_) }
}, $self->columns;
Then the actual code can be much more readable:
@date_fields = (
map { $_->{column_name} }
grep { $_->{data_type} eq 'DATE' }
map { $c->model($_)->result_source->all_columns_info }
qw( Schema::Foo Schema::Bar )
However, I wrote it this way only because that is the cleanest
cut for monkey-patching ::ResultSource for our purposes.
Ideally, the hash returned by `column_info` would already include
a `column_name` key and `column_info` would accept a list of
column names to return information about, not only a single one.
This could be implemented in DBIx::Class with only a tiny patch.
The code would then become this:
@date_fields = (
map { $_->{column_name} }
grep { $_->{data_type} eq 'DATE' }
map { $_->column_info( $_->columns ) }
map { $c->model($_)->result_source }
qw( Schema::Foo Schema::Bar )
Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>
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