[Dbix-class] result_class bug in -current
Guillermo Roditi
groditi at gmail.com
Mon May 21 23:14:52 GMT 2007
Jess (castaway) ran into a bug today when using result_class and
related_resultset. A failing test has been checked into -current as
97result_class.t it beats the hell out of me. I tried to walk through it,
but was unsuccessful. could someone please take a look at this? I'm too beat
for it today.
my $cd_rc =3D $schema->resultset("CD")->result_class;
my $artist_rs =3D $schema->resultset("Artist")
->search_rs({}, {result_class =3D> "IWillExplode"});
is($artist_rs->result_class, 'IWillExplode', 'Correct artist
my $cd_rs =3D $artist_rs->related_resultset('cds');
is($cd_rs->result_class, $cd_rc, 'Correct cd result_class'); #this will
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