[Dbix-class] trouble with oracle sequence
Rom Bre
rbreslav2 at gmail.com
Thu May 24 19:50:47 GMT 2007
I'm getting the following error after attempting to insert into a table
where i have setup an oracle sequence:
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create(): Can't get last insert id
This is happening because dbic is attempting to do a SELECT
Here's the create statement:
$c->model('StoreDB::Cart')->create({ session_id =3D> $session_id });
I'm under the assumption that the NEXTVAL will be handled
automatically and that I don't need to specify anything in the create
Here's the table model:
package StoreDB::Cart;
use strict;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
use DateTime ();
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core InflateColumn::DateTime/);
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/cart_id session_id created updated/);
__PACKAGE__->has_many(items =3D> 'StoreDB::Cart::Item', {
'foreign.cart_id' =3D> 'self.cart_id'});
Here's the DBIC_TRACE:
-> DBI->connect(dbi:Oracle:XXXX, xxxx, ****, HASH(0xa2c02ec))
-> DBI->install_driver(Oracle) for linux perl=3D5.008007 pid=3D2781
ruid=3D501 euid=3D501
install_driver: DBD::Oracle version 1.16 loaded from
<- STORE('ShowErrorStatement' 1)=3D 1 at Oracle.pm <http://oracle.pm/> =
line 61
<- install_driver=3D DBI::dr=3DHASH(0xa6cf5a0)
ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set
<- connect('XXXXX' 'xxxxxx' ...)=3D DBI::db=3DHASH(0xa9333cc) at
DBI.pm line 625
<- STORE('RaiseError' 0)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 672
<- STORE('PrintError' 0)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 672
<- STORE('AutoCommit' 1)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 672
<- STORE('Username' 'xxxx')=3D 1 at
DBI.pm line 675
<> FETCH('Username')=3D 'xxxx' ('Username' from cache) at DBI.pm line 6=
<- connect=3D DBI::db=3DHASH(0xa9333cc)
<- STORE('dbi_connect_closure' CODE(0xa933468))=3D 1 at
DBI.pm line 691
<- FETCH('Driver')=3D DBI::dr=3DHASH(0xa6cf5a0) at DBI.pm line 630
<> FETCH('Name')=3D 'Oracle' ('Name' from cache) at DBI.pm line 630
INSERT INTO store_cart (session_id) VALUES (?):
<- FETCH('Active')=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 538
<- ping=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 538
<- prepare_cached('INSERT INTO store_cart (session_id) VALUES (?)'
HASH(0xa990674) ...)=3D DBI::st=3DHASH(0xa990734) at
DBI.pm line 890
<- execute('5d6630ab21bbffd47e534530e254ab39b7246656')=3D 1 at DBI.pm l=
ine 782
<- FETCH('Active')=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 538
<- ping=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 538
<- FETCH('RaiseError')=3D '' at
DBI.pm line 906
<- STORE('RaiseError' undef)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 906
<- STORE('RaiseError' 1)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 906
<- FETCH('PrintError')=3D '' at DBI.pm line 907
<- STORE('PrintError' undef)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 907
<- STORE('PrintError' 0)=3D 1 at DBI.pm line 907
<- column_info(undef undef ...)=3D DBI::st=3DHASH(0xa8efb6c) at DBI.pm =
line 910
<- execute=3D '0E0' at DBI.pm line 911
<- fetchrow_hashref=3D HASH(0xa8efec0)18keys row1 at DBI.pm line 913
<- fetchrow_hashref=3D undef row4 at DBI.pm line 922
<- DESTROY(DBI::st=3DHASH(a8efb00))=3D undef at
DBI.pm line 925
<- STORE('PrintError' '')=3D 1 at Oracle.pm <http://oracle.pm/> line 44
<- STORE('RaiseError' '')=3D 1 at Oracle.pm <http://oracle.pm/>
line 44
!! ERROR: '8002' 'ORA-08002: sequence STORE_CART_SEQ.CURRVAL is
not yet defined in this session (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)' (err#0)
<- selectrow_array('SELECT store_cart_seq.currval FROM DUAL')=3D (
undef ) [1 items] at
Oracle.pm <http://oracle.pm/> line 16
ERROR: '8002' 'ORA-08002: sequence STORE_CART_SEQ.CURRVAL is
not yet defined in this session (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)' (err#1)
<- DESTROY(DBI::st=3DHASH(a8efc80))=3D undef at
Oracle.pm <http://oracle.pm/> line 17
Any direction in the proper way to handle oracle sequences would be
greatly appreciate.
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