[Dbix-class] Serialize::Storable and InflateColumn::DateTime

Tobias Kremer list at funkreich.de
Wed Nov 14 11:00:42 GMT 2007

I was just checking out Serialize::Storable together with some simple
custom memcached functionality implemented in a Catalyst controller. I'm
getting this error when trying to use the cached version of my ResultSet:

Can't call method "datetime_parser" on an undefined value at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DBIx/Class/InflateColumn/DateTime.pm line 81

The cache stuff in the controller is as simple as:

my $rs;
unless( $rs = $c->cache->get( 'rs' ) ) {
  $rs = $c->model(...)->search(...);
  $c->cache->set( 'rs', $rs, 3600 );

Removing the InflateColumn::DateTime component and inflating/deflating the
datetime fields manually in my schema class makes the caching stuff work
w/o problems.

Any thoughts?


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