[Dbix-class] Question about join and relationship exploring

Tiziano tiziano at e-tip.net
Tue Apr 29 14:37:44 BST 2008

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Hi all,
I'm developing an software based on catalyst.
this is the code generating the query:
my $resultset = $c->model('Dbs::Contacts::Contacts')->search({
        thread_id             => undef,
        'descs.language_id' => $c->session->{language}->{id}
    }, {
        cache     =>     1 ,
        join => {'metodo' => 'descs'},
        '+select'     => [ 'descs.value' ],
        '+as'        =>    [ 'val' ]
Well, metodo is a relation that contains various contact medium (
phone call, e-mail etc...)
Next thing is to push the row value in an stashed array that will be
returned by catalyst view json to the client
This is the code:
    while (my $riga = $resultset->next){
        push @data, { thread_id => $riga->id , sense => $riga->sense,
subject => $riga->subject,body => $riga->corpo, date =>
DateTime->now()->ymd('/'), mezzo => $riga->get_column('val') };
mezzo is the localized description for the contact medium.
this table has a threadid field that is referencing to contact table
this foreign key is identified by this relation
'foreign.thread_id' => 'self.id' });
well, now i explore the relation and push the son for this contact
using the relationship
my $tmp = $riga->subthreads_rs;
        while (my $son = $tmp->next ){
            my @columns = $son->get_columns();
            push @data, { thread_id => $son->thread_id , sense =>
$son->sense , subject => $son->subject, body => $son->corpo, date =>
DateTime->now()->ymd('/') , mezzo => ?? };

In this case get_columns('val') isn't available.
There is any way to join the relation even when using the relationship
to collect the data ?
or is better to do a new query in this way ?

my $resultset = $c->model('Dbs::Contacts::Contacts')->search({
        thread_id             => undef,
        'descs.language_id' => $c->session->{language}->{id}
    }, {
        cache     =>     1 ,
        join => {'metodo' => 'descs'},
        '+select'     => [ 'descs.value' ],
        '+as'        =>    [ 'val' ]
    while (my $riga = $resultset->next){
        my $columns = $riga->get_column('val');
        push @data, { thread_id => $riga->id , sense => $riga->sense,
subject => $riga->subject,body => $riga->corpo, date =>
DateTime->now()->ymd('/'), mezzo => $riga->get_column('val') };
        my $resultset2 = $c->model('Dbs::Contacts::Contacts')->search({
                thread_id             => $riga->id ,
                'descs.language_id' => $c->session->{language}->{id}
            }, {
                cache     =>     1 ,
                join => {'metodo' => 'descs'},
                '+select'     => [ 'descs.value' ],
                '+as'        =>    [ 'val' ]

Thanks in advance
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