[Dbix-class] Complex query in custom resultsource file.
Matt S Trout
dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sun Feb 10 10:23:07 GMT 2008
On Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 09:36:03PM +0000, edwrb . wrote:
> Hi there,
> So I'm trying to implement a complex query in DBIx::Class using a custom
> ResultSource file, but the query ends up always failing due to some extra
> stuff that is being automatically tacked on to the query. Here's my result
> source file:
> package MyApp::Schema::ContentView;
> use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
> __PACKAGE__->table('content');
> my $source = __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance();
> my $new_source = $source->new( $source );
> $new_source->source_name( 'MainRecordQuery' );
> my $sql =<<SQL;
> SELECT me.content_id
> , '' as 'main'
> , '' as 'thumbnail'
> FROM content me
> JOIN category category ON ( category.category_id = me.category_id )
> WHERE category.category_name = ?
> AND me.active_flg = ?
> SELECT i.content_id
> , i.image_name
> , i2.image_name
> FROM image i
> RIGHT JOIN content c ON (c.content_id = i.content_id)
> JOIN image i2 ON (i.content_id = i2.content_id)
> WHERE i.image_type = ?
> AND i2.image_type = ?
> $new_source->name( \"(${sql})" );
I think
$new_source->name( \"(${sql}) AS" );
would do the trick.
> Note the format of that me alias at the end. Whenever I change that end bit to 'AS me'
> and run it in an sql-shell, it runs great. So I was wondering if this is how DBIx::Class
> is suppose to be formatting these ResultSource queries. If so, how do I format the query
> in my ResultSource file to get it to work like it should?
We don't AS in FROM clauses by default because some databases (older Oracles
IIRC) don't support it.
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