[Dbix-class] serializing DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle
Jose Fonseca
zefonseca at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 02:37:05 GMT 2008
Sure. I asked because I'm working under Apache so freezing that DBH works
just fine. Apache::DBI will give you a brand new DBH everytime your DBH is
Thanks for the pointer, I had not seen your solution in Schema.pm,
appreciate that. I either have to plug that into Apache::SessionX instead of
Storable or continue to $data->result_source($schema->source('User')); like
Matt Trout suggested.
What I know is that I really need that object in Apache's session memory and
not let it be recreated each time from disk(or dbh).
On Feb 15, 2008 6:20 PM, Ash Berlin <ash_cpan at firemirror.com> wrote:
> Cos it contains a code-ref (the DBH) which can't be freezed.
> But since then I did come up with *a* way of doing it:
> http://search.cpan.org/~jrobinson/DBIx-Class-0.08009/lib/DBIx/Class/Schem=
> Provided as the recommened way of thawing schema objects. You can call
> Storable::thaw directly if you wish, but the thawed objects will not have
> a reference to any schema, so are rather useless
> There are also freeze and dclone methods for symmetry. This was a new
> addition since 0.08009 2008-01-20 13:30
> -ash
> On 15 Feb 2008, at 19:57, Jose Fonseca wrote:
> Hi, I just had the same problem that Bernhard Graf had in Sept. 2007 and
> caught up with this discussion:
> Ash Berlin Wrote:
> "I wrote the ResultSourceHandle stuff, and I never could come up with a
> good way of specifying what schema to use in thawing the data."
> Quick question: why is the "schema" column of _source_handle undef'd when
> freeze()ing?
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 10:18:10AM +0200, Bernhard Graf wrote:
> >* On Thursday 20 September 2007 09:42, Ash Berlin wrote:
> *>*
> *>* > I wrote the ResultSourceHandle stuff, and I never could come up with
> *>* > a good way of specifying what schema to use in thawing the data. So
> *>* > currently you'd have to do
> *>* >
> *>* > $data->_source_handle->schema($schema);
> *>*
> *>* Not pretty, but this works at least.
> *
> $data->result_source($schema->source('User'));
> just like it's always been since before ResultSourceHandle existed.
> Never call an _ prefix method from outside the object or a subclass there=
> --
> Matt S Trout Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class proj=
> Technical Director http://www.shadowcat.co.uk/catal=
> Shadowcat Systems Ltd. Want a managed development or deployment platfor=
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