[Dbix-class] Bug with relationships on new objects.
Brett Gardner
brett at clientcomm.com.au
Mon Jan 7 10:25:24 GMT 2008
I call new because I then call a method on the object which returns a
list of form controls to edit the object.
In other cases I also have to set accessors before calling the insert
Jess Robinson wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2008, brett gardner wrote:
>> The offending line is on line 793 of ResultSource.pm
>> $ret{$k} = $for->get_column($v) if $for->has_column_loaded($v);
> That's because has_column_loaded returns true if the data is in/was
> loaded from the database, you're calling new(), which doesnt insert a
> new row into the database. So it's doing the correct thing.
> Call create() instead. That does new() and insert().
>> my $undef_artist_cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->new_result({ 'title'
>> => 'badgers', 'year' => 2007 });
>> 207 is($undef_artist_cd->has_column_loaded('artist'), '', 'FK not
>> loaded');
>> 208 is($undef_artist_cd->search_related('artist')->count, 3, 'open
>> search on undef FK');
> new_result (or new) don't insert any data in the db, so this is
> perfectly correct.
>> in 66relationship.t
>> brett gardner wrote:
>>> I have a schema where there are clients who have subscribers.
>>> So there is an object "Client" which has a has_many relationship to
>>> "Subscriber".
>>> If I do the following
>>> my $client = $app->schema->resultset('Client')->find(...);
>>> my $subscribers = $client->subscribers;
>>> Then the relationship is correct and only pulls out the subscribers
>>> attached to that client.
>>> But if I do the following.
>>> my $client = $app->schema->resultset('Client')->new({});
>>> my $subscribers = $client->subscribers;
>>> Then all the subscribers are pulled out which is not ideal and
>>> potentially a very embarrassing privacy breach. Looking at the SQL
>>> generated by "$client->subscribers" it is not putting in the
>>> limiting where clause "WHERE me.client_id = ..."
> As your row is not in the database, how would you expect it to do a
> where?
> Did you really miss all this, or am I misunderstanding your problem?
> Jess
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