[Dbix-class] Adding a method to ResultSet?

Carl Vincent c.a.vincent at newcastle.ac.uk
Wed Jan 9 14:08:57 GMT 2008

Hello Matija, 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matija Grabnar [mailto:matija at serverflow.com] 
>Sent: 09 January 2008 13:54
>To: Class user and developer list
>Subject: [Dbix-class] Adding a method to ResultSet?
>(I also asked this at http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=661319 )
>Here is what I'm trying to do:
>package ThreadedDB::Article; use strict; use warnings; use base 
>'DBIx::Class'; __PACKAGE__->load_components("Core"); 
>__PACKAGE__->table("article"); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( "id", { 
>data_type => "INT", default_value => undef, is_nullable => 0, 
>size => 11 
>}, # etc, etc, etc ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id"); 
>__PACKAGE__->has_many( "article_texts", "ThreadedDB::ArticleText", { 
>"foreign.article" => "self.id" }, ); # Created by 
>DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04004 @ 2008-01-03 18:12:12 # DO NOT 
>MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:Y0WFrRSlgOqaz/fbhRt98A package 
>ThreadedDB::Article::ResultSet; use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet'; sub 
>insert_article { my ($self, $topic, $parent, $msgtext) = @_; my 
>$articles = $self->resultset('Article'); eval { $self->txn_do 
>(sub { # a 
>complex operation that is not relevant yet }) }; }
>In other words, I'd like to find a way to put a method into the 
>Article.pm file in such a way that I could access it by doing 
>I've tried directly declaring the class (as commented out, 
>above) but it 
>didn't work. Either I'm misunderstanding what the resulting 
>class should 
>be called, or I'm misunderstanding something else.
>I did read Re^2: [DBIX::Class] problem with Arbitrary SQL through a 
>custom ResultSource <http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=658193>, but it 
>didn't help since the method I need contains a bunch of code 
>(not all of 
>which can be in SQL), and all of which should be done inside a 
>my $articles = $schema->resultset('ThreadedDB::Article');
>  DB<3> x $articles->can('create')
>0  CODE(0x88b1cd4)
>   -> &DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create in 
>Looks like I'm looking at the right class...
>  DB<4> x $articles->can('insert_article')
>0  undef
>But it doesn't know how to "insert_article".
>I tried looking at the return from $schema->resultset to see 
>if that would give me a clue as
>to which class I should add methods to, but that gave me:
>DB<5> x ref $schema->resultset('ThreadedDB::Article')
>0  'DBIx::Class::ResultSet'
>And I don't think I should be adding my methods to that.
>I also tried doing it without the extra "package" declaration (in the 
>hope that it would somehow automagically do the right thing, but that 
>didn't work, either.
>I'd be grateful for any pointers...

As pointed out in replies on Perlmonks - you need a Resultset. You're
problem seems to be getting that picked up correctly.

Check the "Predefined searches" part of DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook
for the examples of how to use 
in your result class.



     Carl Vincent             http://www.netskills.ac.uk/ (URL)
     Systems Manager                       0191 222 5003 (voice)
     Netskills, Newcastle University       0191 222 5001  (fax)
     Training  -  Accreditation  -  Consultancy  -  Development

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