[Dbix-class] create() has_one problems
Jason Kohles
email at jasonkohles.com
Mon Jan 14 16:43:53 GMT 2008
On Jan 14, 2008, at 6:40 AM, Carl Franks wrote:
> I'm unable to use create() to create a new record with a has_one
> relationship.
> The docs (ResultSet/create) say: for has_one rels, "pass an arrayref
> of hashrefs".
This looks like a doc bug, I don't see any reason to be passing an
arrayref when has_one can only refer to one object. I suspect it was
supposed to instruct you to use a hashref for belongs_to/might_have/
has_one (relationships where accessor = 'single') and an arrayref for
has_many/many_to_many (relationships where accessor = 'multi').
> If I pass an arrayref containing a hashref, like so:
> $rs->create({
> text_col => 'filler2',
> user => [ { name => 'foo' } ]
> } );
> I get this error message - I don't know where the "NAME" in the SQL
> comes from:
> SELECT me.id, me.master, me.name FROM user me WHERE ( ( ( ( me.id NAME
> ? ) ) ) ): 'foo'
> DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: near "NAME":
> syntax error(1) at dbdimp.c line 271 [for Statement "SELECT me.id,
> me.master, me.name FROM user me WHERE ( ( ( ( me.id NAME ? ) ) ) )"]
> at /opt/perl-5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 945
Looks like it's the result of ->find interpreting your user wrong
(because it didn't actually expect to see an arrayref there), and
trying to turn that into part of the query.
> If I get rid of the arrayref, and just pass a hashref for the rel
> data, like so:
> $rs->create({
> text_col => 'filler2',
> user => { name => 'foo' }
> } );
> The inserts work, but the related (user) table doesn't get the
> belongs_to id set.
> Setting DBIC_TRACE shows the SQL being generated:
> SELECT me.id, me.master, me.name FROM user me WHERE ( me.name = ? ):
> 'foo'
> INSERT INTO master (id, text_col) VALUES (?, ?): 'NULL', 'filler2'
> SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM user me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'foo'
> INSERT INTO user (name) VALUES (?): 'foo'
> I don't know why it's trying to retrieve a has_one rel (user) before
> the main entry (master) is even inserted.
Internally, what it's doing when you pass a hashref for a 'single'
object (belongs_to/might_have/has_one) is something like this:
my $master = $rs->new( { text_col => 'filler2' } );
my $user = $master->find_or_new_related( { name => 'foo' } );
$master->user( $user );
So the initial select is from the find_or_new_related attempting to
figure out if it already exists or not.
> The "SELECT COUNT(*)" also looks suspicious - is that intended?
This is the result of ->insert() using ->count() to determine if the
related object that it's about to insert into the database is already
in storage or not. I think what's happening is that one of your
relationships is causing the initial select, and the other one is
causing the count.
> Am I using this wrong?
As far as I can tell it _should_ work, but I generally opt to create
the related objects directly, which may help to avoid the problem you
are encountering...
text_col => 'filler2',
user => $schema->resultset( 'User' )->find_or_create( name =>
'foo' ),
} );
> I'm using DBIx::Class 0.08008, DBD::SQLite 1.14, sqlite 3.4.2-3.
> Copied below is the 2 relevant table classes (with irrelevant cols and
> rels deleted for clarity).
> package MySchema::Master;
> use base 'DBIx::Class';
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/
> InflateColumn::DateTime Core
> /);
> __PACKAGE__->table("master");
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
> id => { data_type => "INTEGER" },
> text_col => { data_type => "TEXT" },
> );
> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id");
> __PACKAGE__->has_one( user => 'MySchema::User', 'master' );
> 1;
> package MySchema::User;
> use base 'DBIx::Class';
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ Core /);
> __PACKAGE__->table("user");
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
> id => { data_type => "INTEGER" },
> master => { data_type => "INTEGER" },
> name => { data_type => "TEXT" },
> );
> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id");
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( master => 'MySchema::Master', 'id' );
> 1;
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