[Dbix-class] Datetime format for MySQL and SQLite

Fayland Lam fayland at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 12:10:46 GMT 2008

well, in product server I'm using MySQL and for test cases I'm using SQLite.
so I wonder to ask whether there is any suggestion for something like 

I have a Foorum::ResultSet::Comment, and in one sub I write

    my $comment = $self->create(
        {   object_type => $object_type,
            object_id   => $object_id,
            author_id   => $user_id,
            title       => $title,
            text        => $text,
            formatter   => $formatter,
            post_on     => \'NOW()',                  #' SQLite use 
            post_ip     => $post_ip,
            reply_to    => $reply_to,
            forum_id    => $forum_id,
            upload_id   => $info->{upload_id} || 0,

u know SQLite need use \'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' instead of \'NOW()'. it will 
fail when I call prove -l to test this sub.

How do I know $self->schema or result_source is based on SQLite or MySQL?

Any suggestion to deal with this situation?


Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/ 
Foorum based on Catalyst // http://www.foorumbbs.com/ 

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