[Dbix-class] Re: A better Digest / Encoding / Encryption Component

Guillermo Roditi groditi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 23:52:44 GMT 2008

Please see working draft, with tests and docs at:
DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn  available in the BAST repo and as a dev
release on CPAN (should hit your mirror shortly).

example code:

    'password' => {
      data_type   => 'CHAR',
      size        => 40,
      encode_column => 1,
      encode_class  => 'Digest',
      encode_args   => {algorithm => 'SHA-1', format => 'hex'},
      encode_check_method => 'check_password',

  #MD5 /  base64 encoding / generate check method
    'password' => {
      data_type => 'CHAR',
      size      => 22,
      encode_column => 1,
      encode_class  => 'Digest',
      encode_args   => {algorithm => 'MD5', format => 'base64'},
      digest_check_method => 'check_password',

  #Eksblowfish bcrypt / cost of 8/ no key_nul / generate check method
    'password' => {
      data_type => 'CHAR',
      size      => 22,
      encode_column => 1,
      encode_class  => 'Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt',
      encode_args   => { key_nul => 0, cost => 8 },
      digest_check_method => 'check_password',

--Guillermo Roditi (groditi)

On Jan 29, 2008 1:41 PM, Guillermo Roditi <groditi at gmail.com> wrote:
> After last night's initial release of DigestOnSet a couple of
> suggestions / issues came up:
> -- I forgot to add a 'salt' slot. (Doh!)
> -- We really should make this more flexible, so we can use modules
> outside of the Digest::* family
> -- The name kind of sucks.
> What I am looking for is ideas. If you keep digests in your database
> let me know what could be easier and what could be more flexible.
> -- What do you do and how do you do it?
> -- How would you like to see a solution be implemented?
> -- What would make development easier?
> -- Are you interested in seeing 2-way ciphers be supported?
> -- What are the essential ciphers that I should include support for
> (besides the Digest::* family)
> Tentative name is  "DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn"
> Tentative API:
> name => 'password',
> data_type => 'char',
> size => 43,
> encode_column => 1,
> encode_class => (Digest|Crypt|SOmeThingElse),
> encode_args  =>
>   {
>     pre_salt   => 'string',
>     post_salt => 'other string',
>     algorithm => 'SHA-256',
>     format    => 'base64',
>     check_method => 'check_password',
>   }
> -------------------------------------------------
> name => 'password',
> data_type => 'char',
> size => 43,
> encode_column => 1,
> encode_class => "Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt",
> encode_args  =>
>   {
>     #salt gets generated automatically for this one
>     cost => 8,
>     key_nul => 1,
>     check_method => 'check_password',
>   }
> --Guillermo Roditi

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