[Dbix-class] Prefetch with a has_many relationship and rows
Christopher Davaz
cdavaz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 01:36:07 BST 2008
Yes I also noticed this and wrote a test for it. I am not a DBIC
developer but I will take a shot at patching this in the near future
(unless one of the devs do it first).
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 4:17 AM, Sam Kaufman <sam.kaufman at takkle.com> wrote:
> Ran into this inconsistency, we're using MySQL but I imagine it's probabl=
y the same for any db.
> # say $parents is a resultset of 100 'parents'
> # with each one having 20 'children'
> my $rs =3D $parents->search({},
> {rows =3D> 20}
> );
> # ^ Fine, gives you 20 parents
> my $rs =3D $parents->search({},
> { rows =3D> 20, prefetch =3D> 'children' }
> );
> # ^ not fine, will give you one 'parent' because the 'rows' attribute gets
> # piped in as 'LIMIT 20'
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