[Dbix-class] Many to many relationship searching
Zbigniew Lukasiak
zzbbyy at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 09:11:13 BST 2008
2008/6/23 jakac <jakac at iprom.si>:
> Sorry for a typo...
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( "article_id", "MyDB::Articles
> ", { recipients_id => "recipients_id" }, );
> should be
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( "article_id", "MyDB::Articles", { article_id =>
> "article_id" }, );
> Still... the question is the same :)
> jakac wrote:
> Hello,
> I am developing application using Catalyst & Postgres and I have a simple
> many to many
> relationship that includes following three tables:
> - categories (category_id primary key, category_name, users_id, ......)
> - articles (article_id primary key, title, content.......)
> - categories_articles_rel (rel_id primary key, category_id, article_id)
> My schema includes:
> __PACKAGE__->has_many( "categories_articles_rel",
> "MyDB::CategoriesArticlesRel", { "foreign.category_id" =>
> "self.category_id" }, );
> __PACKAGE__->has_many( "categories_articles_rel",
> "MyDB::CategoriesArticlesRel", { "foreign.article_id" => "self.article_id"
> }, );
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( "category_id", "MyDB::Categories", { category_id
> => "category_id" },);
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( "article_id", "MyDB::Articles", { recipients_id =>
> "recipients_id" }, );
> Now I want to get a list of all articles that are in categories that are
> owned by
> certain user and order them by some field... Using the plain SQL I would
> normally write:
> select a.* from articles a, categories c, categories_articles_rel rel
> where
> a.article_id = rel.article_id
> and
> c.category_id = rel.category_id
> and
> c.user_id = '$someuser'
> order by a.title;
> (if I want to order by title)
> So now my question is - how to do this using DBIx::Class?
Read perldoc DBIx::Class::Manual::Joining
Something like that should work:
$articles_rs->search({ ... } { join => { categories_articles_rel =>
category_id } })
And by the way I would call the relation category - to differ it from
the name of the column:
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( "article", "MyDB::Articles", { article_id =>
"article_id" }, );
> Thank you!
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Zbigniew Lukasiak
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