[Dbix-class] substring and +select

Jess Robinson castaway at desert-island.me.uk
Mon Jun 30 22:19:41 BST 2008

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008, James. L wrote:

> hi,
> trying to fetch rows with one field substringed
> (mysql). the field is substringed but the result
> contains one field only instead of all fields(there
> are 10 fields per row). here is the code.
> $rs = $rs->search( { user_id => $uid },
>                {
>                  +select => [ "substring(content, 1,
> 100)" => 'content' ],
>                  +as => [ qw/content/ ],
>                },
>    );
> btw, there seems to be more than one way  to call sql
> function: +select => [ \"substring(content, 1, 100)" ]
> is the same as above.
> here is result of DBIC_TRACE:
> SELECT substring(content, 1, 100), content FROM
> reviews me WHERE ( user_id = ? ): '2'

10 fields per row? What does that mean? what SQL do you expect?

Your search call up there is broken because you ask for 2 columns on data 
in "+select", but only have one name for them in "+as", you need to name 
them both.


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