[Dbix-class] inflate_column help

xyon xyon at indigorobot.com
Wed Mar 26 21:48:12 GMT 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-26 at 14:37 -0700, Marc Mims wrote:
> * xyon <xyon at indigorobot.com> [080326 14:10]:
> > I am trying to wrap my head around using "inflate_column" to
> > decrypt/encrypt AES Encrypted data from within a MySQL database, but
> > have not found any examples on Google. Also, below is an attempt to
> > figure out how to run raw SQL queries with DBIx::Class.
> You don't want inflate_column.  See DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn.
> (xyon, sorry for the dup reply... I failed to do a list-reply the first
> time)
> 	-Marc
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Thank you for the pointer, it definitely looks like a smoother/cleaner

I've browsed through the documentation, and am not seeing anything
referring to AES encryption, however. Is there a way to extend the
encryption algorithms to use MySQL native AES?

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