[Dbix-class] arbitrary table names - best practice?
Charles Alderman
charlie-lists at aldermania.com
Tue May 13 03:10:26 BST 2008
I know this may not help, but I've worked on a project in a very
similar situation. In the end, the best business solution was a
complete re-write of the application. In general, I've learned it's a
bad idea to let the application modify the schema.
I worked a contract job for a company whose application created new
columns in one table for every new custom field that the users wanted
to define. Each new column was named custom_field_XXXXX like you have
table_name_XXXXX. Every new user or small group of users had a new
instance of the database (it was mysql, think oracle schemas also).
After a while the company realized they needed to run reports off one
instance, so every instance needed to reconcile the cf_XXX columns by
a column description. The whole reconciliation project was a major
pain, and the company decided (realized?) there was no future in the
application. Thus, the major development effort was behind a rewrite.
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader and SQL::Translator were extremely helpful
as a stop gap measure to just make things work. (The original
application was PHP -- they were moving to .NET). They didn't ask me,
but I think the whole thing could have been easily redone with DBIC
and Catalyst. I think you're on the right track.
Good Luck,
Charles Alderman
----- Original Message -----
From: John Napiorkowski <jjn1056 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Mon, 12 May 2008 18:17:41 -0700 (PDT)
Re: Re: [Dbix-class] arbitrary table names - best practice?
> --- On Mon, 5/12/08, James Kiser <james.kiser at gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: James Kiser <james.kiser at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [Dbix-class] arbitrary table names - best practice?
>> To: dbix-class at lists.scsys.co.uk
>> Date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 8:51 PM
>> I have a database that contains a few thousand tables that
>> all share
>> the same structure. They are all named as
>> [db].[table][unique
>> number]. The unique number is basically the primary key to
>> another
>> table which is used to define the 'relationship'.
>> Obviously, I don't want to create a class for each
>> table and would
>> ideally like to have one class that will dynamically use
>> the
>> appropriate table based on the primary key (unique number)
>> that I
>> have. The right answer is to redesign the schema and there
>> are plans
>> to do this. However, I need a solution I can work with
>> until those
>> changes take place.
>> I have a working solution based off of
>> DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
>> using the constraint option. Is using
>> DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader the
>> *best way* to handle this situation? Has anyone else had
>> to implement
>> something similar? Are there any other alternatives?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> James
> I'm not sure if there is a better way to do this, but I'd sure like
> to see an article/blog/something about you using Perl and DBIC to
> deal with a DB with a few thousand tables. I wonder if
> Rails/ActiveRecord could even come close to starting up under such
> conditions :)
> Good Luck,
> John
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