[Dbix-class] Am I using utf8_columns correctly.
Ian Docherty
dbix-class at iandocherty.com
Wed May 28 09:33:35 BST 2008
Ian Docherty wrote:
> Hi
> I have a mysql database table and columns in the table with
> utf8_general_ci collation.
> I can enter and read Bulgarian text (utf8) using phpmyadmin but cannot
> output it through DBIx::Class.
> Am I using utf8_columns correctly?
> Here is the output the code produces.
> 1: message = [Main Page] value=[???????? ????????]
> 2) message = [Main Page] value=[???????? ????????]
> Here is the simplest code I can produce to demonstrate the problem.
> Are there any other things I can do to investigate the problem?
> Regards
> Ian
> ########################
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use utf8;
> use Encode;
> ########################
> package DB::Main::Lexicon;
> use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw(PK::Auto UTF8Columns Core));
> __PACKAGE__->table('lexicon');
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw(id language path message value notes));
> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
> __PACKAGE__->utf8_columns(qw/value notes/);
> ########################
> package DB::Main;
> use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
> __PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw(Lexicon));
> ########################
> package main;
> my $schema =
> DB::Main->connect('DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=test_db','user','secret');
> my $lex = $schema->resultset('Lexicon')->first;
> # just output without encoding
> print "1: message = [".$lex->message."] value=[".$lex->value."]\n";
> # output encoded, based on advent calendar article
> http://catalyst.perl.org/calendar/2006/21
> print Encode::encode('utf-8', "2) message = [".$lex->message."]
> value=[".$lex->value."]\n");
> 1;
Problem solved (I think). It was a combination of wrongly encoded data
put into the database
and a mis-configuration of my Catalyst application.
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