[Dbix-class] Re: Failed test when installing DBIx::Class on
windows using strawberry perl
Ali M.
tclwarrior at gmail.com
Thu May 29 07:59:40 BST 2008
Sorry for the delay :|
PS C:\strawberry\cpan\build> cd DBIx-Class-0.08010-pRyFQc
PS C:\strawberry\cpan\build\DBIx-Class-0.08010-pRyFQc> prove -lv
ok 1 - can't call txn_do without storage
ok 2 - $coderef parameter check ok
ok 3 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 4 - successful txn added 5 cds
ok 5 - new CD 1 year correct
ok 6 - new CD 2 year correct
ok 7 - new CD 3 year correct
ok 8 - new CD 4 year correct
ok 9 - new CD 5 year correct
ok 10 - txn depth has been reset
ok 11 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 12 - added 5 CDs and returned in list context
ok 13 - new CD 6 year correct
ok 14 - new CD 7 year correct
ok 15 - new CD 8 year correct
ok 16 - new CD 9 year correct
ok 17 - new CD 10 year correct
ok 18 - txn depth has been reset
ok 19 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 20 - nested txn_do succeeded
ok 21 - nested txn_do CD1 year ok
ok 22 - nested txn_do CD2 year ok
ok 23 - nested txn_do CD3 year ok
ok 24 - nested txn_do CD4 year ok
ok 25 - nested txn_do CD5 year ok
ok 26 - nested txn_do CD6 year ok
ok 27 - nested txn_do CD7 year ok
ok 28 - nested txn_do CD8 year ok
ok 29 - nested txn_do CD9 year ok
ok 30 - nested txn_do CD10 year ok
ok 31 - nested txn_do added all CDs
ok 32 - txn depth has been reset
ok 33 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 34 - failed txn_do threw an exception
ok 35 - failed txn_do didn't change the cds table
ok 36 - txn depth has been reset
ok 37 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 38 - failed txn_do threw an exception
ok 39 - failed txn_do didn't change the cds table
ok 40 - txn depth has been reset
ok 41 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 42 - failed txn_do with a failed txn_rollback threw a rollback exception
ok 43 - failed txn_do with a failed txn_rollback included the original exception
ok 44 - failed txn_do with a failed txn_rollback changed the cds table
isa DBICTest::CD
ok 45 - deleted the failed txn's cd
ok 46 - txn depth starts at 0
ok 47 - nested failed txn_do threw exception
ok 48 - failed txn_do didn't add first txn's cd 1
ok 49 - failed txn_do didn't add first txn's cd 2
ok 50 - failed txn_do didn't add first txn's cd 3
ok 51 - failed txn_do didn't add first txn's cd 4
ok 52 - failed txn_do didn't add first txn's cd 5
ok 53 - failed txn_do didn't add failed txn's cd
Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without
explicit disconnect() at t/81transactions.t line 232.
ok 54 - Pre-connection nested transactions.
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db
do failed: table employee already exists(1) at dbd
imp.c line 271 [for Statement "
-- Table: employee
CREATE TABLE employee (
position integer NOT NULL,
group_id integer,
group_id_2 integer,
name varchar(100)
)"] at t/lib/DBICTest.pm line 109
# Looks like you planned 67 tests but only ran 54.
# Looks like your test died just after 54.
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 13/67 subtests
Test Summary Report
t/81transactions.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 54 Failed: 0)
Non-zero exit status: 255
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 67 tests but ran 54.
Files=1, Tests=54, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.02 CPU)
Result: FAIL
PS C:\strawberry\cpan\build\DBIx-Class-0.08010-pRyFQc>
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