[Dbix-class] Can't call method "resolve" on an undefined value.. How to get column names from $rs

Howe, Tom (IT) Tom.Howe at MorganStanley.com
Thu Oct 16 10:21:49 BST 2008

Hi, I have a couple of Q's regarding DBIx::Class

Firstly, Im getting this error message whenever anything seems to fail instead of the expected SQL/Connection errors

Can't call method "resolve" on an undefined value at .../DBIx-Class/0.08010/lib/perl5/DBIx/Class/Row.pm line 720

Any idea what I might be doing wrong (or is the version im using broken?)

Additionally Im trying to get the column names in a resultset ($rs) and cant figure a nice way of doing it.

The best I have come up with is:

my $cols = $rs->{attrs}{columns} || $rs->{_attrs}{as} || [$rs->result_source->columns];

But it's not very nice to have to dive into $rs internals.

Essentially I am trying to create a webpage table/report from a resultset that other users will create.

I need to retrieve the column names programatically (I don't want the user to have to provide them specifically unless they wish to).

Thanks in advance.


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