[Dbix-class] DBIC tests for where attribute in relations
Charlie Garrison
garrison at zeta.org.au
Sun Sep 28 19:47:08 BST 2008
Good morning,
I've been working on DBIC::Tree::NestedSet::Multi which requires
where attributes in the relationships. And I've been getting
strange resultsets and after some discussion on irc I've had a
go at writing a test. I'm still new at writing unit tests though
so I may not have good test code.
I want to see SQL that looks like:
SELECT me.tagid, me.cd, me.tag
FROM cd cd, tags me ON ( tags.cd = me.cdid )
WHERE ( me.cd = ? AND me.tag = ? ): '2', 'Cheesy'
But I'm getting this instead:
SELECT me.tagid, me.cd, me.tag
FROM tags me, cd cd
WHERE ( ( ( me.cd = ? ) AND ( me.tag = ? ) ) ) : '2', 'Cheesy'
Excerpts from the code below:
# 66relationship_where.t
# this works as expected
$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{cd=>2, 'tags.tag'=>'Cheesy'}, {join => 'tags'}); #
tagid=5, cdid=2
# this generates broken SQL
$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(2)->cheesy_tags(); #
tagid=5, cdid=2
# CD.pm
cheesy_tags => 'DBICTest::Schema::Tag', undef,
where => {"me.tag" => 'Cheesy'},
from => "tags me, cd cd",
So it looks like the problem is with the join condition being
dropped, or otherwise broken. During testing I have also seen
the join (or where) condition change from something like:
children.gid = me.gid
me.gid = 1
It was suggested by groditi that I should do some is_deeply
checks on the relations, but I'm not sure how to achieve that.
So, suggestions for improving/extending the test would be
appreciated. And if it's a DBIC bug then are any core devs able
to have a look at it?
Index: t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm
--- t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm (revision 4850)
+++ t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm (working copy)
@@ -40,6 +40,20 @@
{ order_by => 'tag' },
+ cheesy_tags => 'DBICTest::Schema::Tag', undef,
+ {
+ where => {"me.tag" => 'Cheesy'},
+ from => "tags me, cd cd",
+ },
+ cheesy_tags_cond => 'DBICTest::Schema::Tag', {'foreign.cd'
=> 'self.cdid'},
+ {
+ where => {"me.tag" => 'Cheesy'},
+ from => "tags me, cd cd",
+ },
cd_to_producer => 'DBICTest::Schema::CD_to_Producer' => 'cd'
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
plan tests => 1;
my $cheesy_cds1a = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search({cd=>2,
'tag'=>'Cheesy'}); # tagid=5
# my $cheesy_cds1b = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({cd=>2,
'tags.tag'=>'Cheesy'}, {join => 'tags'}); # tagid=5, cdid=2
my $cheesy_cds2a =
$schema->resultset('CD')->find(2)->cheesy_tags(); # tagid=5, cdid=2
# my $cheesy_cds2b =
$schema->resultset('CD')->find(2)->cheesy_tags_cond(); #
tagid=5, cdid=2
[map { $_->id } $cheesy_cds1a->all],
[map { $_->id } $cheesy_cds2a->all],
'we got the same Tags',
) or diag("Expected: \n",
(map { $_->id."\n" } $cheesy_cds1a->all) ,
"Got: \n",
(map { $_->id."\n" } $cheesy_cds2a->all) ,
Charlie Garrison <garrison at zeta.org.au>
PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia
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