[Dbix-class] Adding relationships to an already-constructed schema

Toby Corkindale toby.corkindale at strategicdata.com.au
Thu Apr 2 03:56:33 BST 2009

Start by assuming I'm smoking crack and do actually want to do this.. :)

If I have a $schema that is already initialised, and I decide I want to 
add a new relationship to one of my tables, what is the proper way to do 

Is it this?
my $schema = ExampleApp->connect(..);
my $result_source = $schema->source('FooBar');
$result_source->has_many(something => 'ExampleApp::Wotsits');

Or perhaps this?
my $schema = ExampleApp->connect(..);
my $class = $schema->class('FooBar');
$class->has_many(something => 'ExampleApp::Wotsits');

I have my suspicions that neither are correct though.

Thanks in advance, and I'll pass the crack-pipe on now and go back to 
wondering about how to re-engineer this to not require dynamic 
relationships at all..


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