[Dbix-class] Observation when providing an arrayref to update
Jochen Luig
jochen.luig at skytel.de
Fri Apr 3 08:26:26 BST 2009
yesterday I stumbled upon an interesting phenomenon when debugging an
If you provide an array ref to the update method of a row object like
$row->update({ some_column => [ "foo bar", "baz" ] });
the first array element seems to be provided to the resulting UPDATE
statement without the quotes leading to a syntax error in the SQL syntax
in the above example. (I'm aware that 0.8012 is the current version of
DBIx::Class, but I didn't find anything in the changelogs that seemed to
address this issue).
Please have a look at this minimal example:
(DBIx::Class version 0.8010)
Create statements for sqlite3:
CREATE TABLE foo (id integer primary key autoincrement, text text);
CREATE TABLE bar (id integer primary key autoincrement, text text);
use strict;
use warnings;
package My::Schema::Foo;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
__PACKAGE__->load_components( qw/Core/ );
__PACKAGE__->add_columns( qw/id text/ );
package My::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
my $schema = My::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:dabble.db');
my $row = $schema->resultset('Foo')->create({text => 'foo'});
my $new = [ '\'baz\' WHERE id = 8; delete * from bar; -- ' ];
$row->update({ text => $new });
Output with DBIC_TRACE=1 :
$ perl dbic_dabble.pl
INSERT INTO foo (text) VALUES (?): 'foo'
UPDATE foo SET text = 'baz' WHERE id = 8; drop table bar; -- WHERE ( id
= ? ): 'NULL', '28'
I didn't get the drop table statement executed but omitting the
WHERE-Clause in the above code I updated the column in question for the
whole table.
I don't think this is desired behaviour.
Any thoughts on this?
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