[Dbix-class] Can I get help composing a query?
Dennis Daupert
ddaupert at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 19:12:59 GMT 2009
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Rob Kinyon <rob.kinyon at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:54, Dennis Daupert <ddaupert at gmail.com> wrote:
> > But I have a question: given the warning you gave me regarding Cartesian
> > joins, would you mind pointing me towards the right kind of query for
> this?
> You just need to make sure you have JOIN conditions.
I've worked out the SQL that gives me the results I need,
at least at the database level:
FROM docs
ON docs.id =3D files.doc_id
WHERE docs.project_id =3D 94
AND files.id IN ( '2036', '2033' );*
Trying to twist this into a working data structure has eluded me.
I would appreciate a peek in the answers in the back of the book
at this point.
Here are a number of formats I've tried, along with error results
(at the top of each code segment):
Does not work. Error: No such relationship files
(I'm not sure why he can't find the relationship; it's defined
as a many_to_many. I've read thru the documentation until
my eyes are ready to fall out.)
$c->stash->{docs} =3D [$c->model('HdeDB::Docs')->search(
project_id =3D> $project_id,
join =3D> [qw/ files /],
This runs, but it isn't filtered to yield the highest versioned
files. Trying that next.
$c->stash->{docs} =3D [$c->model('HdeDB::Docs')->search(
project_id =3D> $project_id,
join =3D> [qw/ doc_files /],
Does not work: Error: no such column: files_id
$c->stash->{docs} =3D [$c->model('HdeDB::Docs')->search(
project_id =3D> $project_id,
files_id =3D> { '-in' =3D> \@ids }
join =3D> [qw/ doc_files /],
Does not work: Unknown error (Catalyst app doesn't even start up)
$c->stash->{docs} =3D [$c->model('HdeDB::Docs')->search(
project_id =3D> $project_id,
doc_files.files_id =3D> { '-in' =3D> \@ids }
join =3D> [qw/ doc_files /],
Does not work: Error: no such column: files_id
$c->stash->{docs} =3D [$c->model('HdeDB::Docs')->search(
project_id =3D> $project_id,
join =3D> [qw/ doc_files /],
)->search_related( 'doc_files',
files_id =3D> { '-in' =3D> \@ids }
Does not work: Error: search_related: result source 'Docs'
has no such relationship files
$c->stash->{docs} =3D [$c->model('HdeDB::Docs')->search(
project_id =3D> $project_id,
join =3D> [qw/ doc_files /],
)->search_related( 'files',
files_id =3D> { '-in' =3D> \@ids }
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