[Dbix-class] Constructing "WHERE" clause in DBIx

Rob Kinyon rob.kinyon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 01:57:00 GMT 2009

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 19:42, Eric Wee<EWee at au.westfield.com> wrote:
> $c->model(DB::Client)->search(
>       {
>             is_retail => '1',
>             enabled_date => { '!=' => undef },
>             enabled_date => { '<' => 'NOW' },
>       };
> Not sure how to construct it with ..
>>             AND (disabled_date is null
>>                         OR disabled_date < enabled_date
>>                         OR disabled_date > now())

This should do the trick. Peter will chime in with corrections as needed.

    is_retail => '1',
    enabled_date => { '!=' => undef },
    enabled_date => { '<' => \'NOW()' },
    -and => {
        -or => {
            disabled_date => undef,
            disabled_date => { '<' => 'enabled_date' },
            disabled_date => { '>' => \'NOW()', }

The scalarref is important for NOW() otherwise it won't work.


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