[Dbix-class] many to many insert

Jon jon at texttoall.com
Wed Dec 2 16:05:31 GMT 2009

I am new to DBIx Class and I am trying to insert a record that
contains a many to many relationship.  I *think* that inserting into
the record should populate the necessary foreign tables, but I can't
get that to work.  Do I need to populate them separately?  That seems
wrong.  This is how I have the relationship setup.

(a many to many relationship between writers and songs)

Package App::Schema::Result::Songs;

                      { 'foreign.song' => 'self.song' } );
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many('writers' => 'writers_songs','writer');


Package App::Schema::Result::Writers;

                      { 'foreign.writer' => 'self.writer' } );

__PACKAGE__->many_to_many('songs' => 'writers_songs', 'song');


Package App::Schema::Result::WritersSongs;

                        { 'foreign.writer' => 'self.writer' } );

                        { 'foreign.song' => 'self.song' } );

So, then I try to run

my $song = $schema->resultset('Songs')->find_or_create({
          'artist' => {
                        'artist_name' => 'Beyonce'
          'writers_songs' => [
                                 'writer' => {
                                               'name' => 'B.Knowles'
                                 'writer' => {
                                               'name' => 'J.G.Scheffer'
                                 'writer' => {
                                               'name' => 'W.Wilkins'
                                 'writer' => {
                                               'name' => 'Rico Love'
          'title' => 'Sweet Dreams',

And it fails to create the writers_songs record, even if the writers
already exist.  I ran a trace to see what is going on, and this is
what I gathered,

It tries to select from writers_songs,
SELECT me.writer, me.song, me.publisher, me.percentage FROM
writers_songs me WHERE ( ( me.song = ? AND me.writer IS NULL ) )

but it never attempts to get the writer foreign key.  SO, when it
tries to insert into writers_songs with a null writer, it fails...

INSERT INTO writers_songs ( song, writer) VALUES ( ?, ? ): '17', 'NULL'

So, the problem appears to be that it never attempts to select from
the writers table, or insert into it in the case where the writer
doesn't yet exist.  Any ideas?


- Jon

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