[Dbix-class] Multi-table join problems
reis.wallace at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 12:29:09 GMT 2009
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Dan Horne<dan.horne at redbone.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a structure like the one below - ep_config has many ep_sections which
> in turn has man ep_process_runs:
> +----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+
> | ep_config | | ep_section | | ep_process_run |
> | | /| | /| |
> | config_id (PK) |--------|-section_id (PK) |-----| process_id (PK) |
> | config_name | \| config_id (FK) | \| section_id (FK) |
> | | | | | |
> +----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+
> I want to find all ep_process_runs where I know the config_name. I've tried
> the following:
> my $rs = $schema->resultset('ETL::Pipeline::Schema::EpProcessRun')->search(
> {
> 'config_name' => $config_name
> },
> {
> join => {'section_id' => 'config_id'},
> order_by => 'config_name'
> }
> );
You could do this as well:
# if you have a unique constraint over config_name, you can use 'find'
instead here too
my $ep_config =
config_name => $config_name
}, { rows => '1' })->single;
my $rs = $ep_config->ep_sections->search_related_rs('ep_process_runs');
> and I tried the condition
> 'config_id.config_name' => $config_name
> which gives
> Can't locate object method "config_id"
> The schema was reverse engineered sing DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader, and it
> names all belongs_to relationships using the column name specified in the
> FK/PK relationship. E.g. in ETL::Pipeline::Schema::EpSection it is defined
> as
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(
> "config_id",
> "ETL::Pipeline::Schema::EpConfig",
> { config_id => "config_id" },
> );
Change the relname "config_id" to something different like
"ep_config", it's conflicting with 'config_id' column name.
wallace reis/wreis Catalyst and DBIx::Class consultancy with a clue
Software Developer and a commit bit: http://shadowcat.co.uk/catalyst/
Shadowcat Systems Limited
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