[Dbix-class] subquery ain't workin'
Jarom Smith
jarom at jaromsmith.net
Thu Jun 4 09:03:11 GMT 2009
Nice pull! :-)
jarom at abby:~ >perlmodver DBIx::Class SQL::Abstract
DBIx::Class : 0.08010
SQL::Abstract : 1.24
jarom at abby:~ >!perl
perlmodver DBIx::Class SQL::Abstract
DBIx::Class : 0.08103
SQL::Abstract : 1.56
...and lo and behold, it works!
jarom at abby:~/EzTurns >test.pl
SELECT me.id, me.description, me.sort_order, me.image_name FROM
ez_turnover_needs me WHERE ( id NOT IN ( SELECT me.turnover_need_id FROM
ez_turnover_needs_property me WHERE ( property_id = ? ) ) ) ORDER BY
description: '7'
I knew the feature was marked "experimental" but I didn't realize how
out-of-date I was (or how close to the bleeding edge I've been living!)
My only regret is that I didn't ask sooner... thanks again.
jarom smith
tech go-to guy
Johannes Plunien wrote:
> Hi,
> On 04.06.2009, at 04:26, Jarom Smith wrote:
>> I'm having problems with a subquery -- what am I doing wrong?
> which version of DBIx::Class and SQL::Abstract do you have? Your code
> looks correct btw, i guess you're just using an old version which doesnt
> support subqueries.
> Cheers,
> plu
> --
> Johannes Plunien | mailto:plu at pqpq.de | http://www.pqpq.de/contact/
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