[Dbix-class] MySql distinct count fix
Anthony Gladdish
a.j.gladdish at newcastle.ac.uk
Mon Jun 8 11:09:24 GMT 2009
Hi Peter,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Rabbitson [mailto:rabbit+dbic at rabbit.us]
>Sent: 07 June 2009 22:22
>To: DBIx::Class user and developer list
>Subject: [Dbix-class] MySql distinct count fix
>Anthony Gladdish wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Using DBIC v0.08102_07.
>> My Result class relationships:
>> 1. Course.pm
>> 2. Event.pm:
>> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( 'course' => 'Course', 'based_on' );
>> My test:
>> my $search;
>> push( @$search, ('me.code', { 'like', '%i1%' } ) );
>> my $rs = $schema->resultset('Event')->search(
>> {
>> -or => $search,
>> },
>> {
>> distinct => 1,
>> prefetch => 'course',
>> }
>> );
>> is $rs->count, 1, '$rs ok';
>> Fails with:
>> DBIx::Class::ResultSet::count(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute
>failed: Duplicate column name 'id' [for Statement "SELECT COUNT( * )
>FROM (SELECT me.id, me.code, me.start, me.hours, me.end, me.leader,
>me.based_on, me.attend_max, me.created_by, me.attend_min, me.RT_ticket,
>me.status, me.created, me.location, me.price_1, me.price_2, me.price_3,
>me.price_4, me.price_5, course.id, course.title, course.topics,
>course.tasks, course.prerequisites, course.overview, course.target,
>course.quotes, course.code, course.hours, course.sub_title,
>course.further_tasks, course.short_desc, course.shorter_desc FROM event
>me JOIN event_defaults course ON course.id = me.based_on WHERE
>( me.code LIKE ? ) GROUP BY me.id, me.code, me.start, me.hours, me.end,
>me.leader, me.based_on, me.attend_max, me.created_by, me.attend_min,
>me.RT_ticket, me.status, me.created, me.location, me.price_1, me.price_2,
>me.price_3, me.price_4, me.price_5, course.id, course.title,
>course.topics, course.tasks, cou
>rse.prerequisites, course.overview, course.target, course.quotes,
>course.code, course.hours, course.sub_title, course.further_tasks,
>course.short_desc, course.shorter_desc) count_subq" with ParamValues:
>> Passes, if I comment out either "distinct" or "prefetch" but this is
>> Am I doing anything wrong?
>> Has this been fixed in a newer RC yet that I can test?
>Fixed in http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/svnweb/bast/revision/?rev=6537
Have just tested this against my own libraries and they all pass.
Do you know when this will be released on cpan?
Thanks for your help!
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