[Dbix-class] Problems with DBIx:: and SQL JOIN's

Peter Rabbitson rabbit+dbic at rabbit.us
Mon Jun 8 17:46:09 GMT 2009

Tommy Butler wrote:
> Friends,
> I'm having serious pains getting DBIx::Class to JOIN on anything.  I'm
> dealing with one situation in particular, but my problems are not
> limited to this.  I'd like to learn how to fix this one problem so I can
> go on to fix others.  In the description of my problem I will provide
> the SQL query (which works), the DBIx::Class code call (which doesn't
> work), and the schemata that correctly correspond to my database tables.
> Could someone provide some insight or a few lines of working code for
> the query I'm trying to make?  Your help is so much appreciated.  I am
> very confident that my attempts, including the example I provide here,
> are very far from correct.
> (The Problem) =================================================
> The query below seems very straightforward no?  And yet in DBIx::Class
> it has become an insurmountable chore for me.  I've spent more time
> fiddling around with this specific issue than I'd ever admit.  Following
> the official documentation has only led to more and more confusion.  =>(
> http://search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/DBIx-Class-0.08103/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Joining.pod#USING_JOINS
> ).  I'm now asking for help at PerlMonks.org and on the DBIx::Class
> mailing list.
> (The Query) ==================================================
> select * from users join user_roles on (user_roles. user_id = id) join
> roles on (roles.id = role_id) where username like '%foo%';
> (The Perl Code) =================================================
> #You may well note from my code below that my use of DBIx::Class is
> through the Catalyst framework.
> # The code below fails with a very long stack trace which basically says
> that my SQL syntax is wrong.

^^ we need at least the beginning of this stack trace, so we can see what
the actual error is

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