[Dbix-class] result_source_instance error using inflate_column

Mark Hedges hedges at scriptdolphin.com
Fri Nov 13 20:46:45 GMT 2009

> > > ###############
> >
> > ^^^ A resultsource is useless until you declare a
> > table() on it (this is not only an accessor but also an
> > initializer).
> Perhaps you did not read my example.  I am not using a
> resultsource explicitly.  I am simply trying to 'use' the
> package above, which includes an inflate_column statement.
> If I comment out the __PACKAGE__->inflate_column statement,
> it loads fine with 'use'.  Otherwise, 'use' generates the
> result_source error.

I am confused - I have to declare table, etc. where I want
to use inflate_column, even though I am using
Schema::Loader?  I am able to add things to other classes
such as use of InflateColumn::DateTime and new object
methods, by writing out the class, without specifying
tables, and Schema::Loader apparently merges them.  This is
not true of InflateColumn?



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