[Dbix-class] DBIx::Class,
Hernan Lopes
hernanlopes at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 01:37:54 GMT 2010
This is how i have done pagination with ease in catalyst:
1. On the controller
my $results =3D $c->model('DB::Person')->search({});
results =3D> $results,
pager =3D> $result->pager,
2. create a pagination.tt and include on your views:
[% IF pager
<div class=3D"pagination-space">
<div class=3D"span-7 height35 paddingTop5 paddingBottom5 quiet">
Total <strong class=3D"loud">[% pager.last_page %]</strong> p=E1gin=
<strong class=3D"loud">[% pager.total_entries %]</strong> itens.
<div class=3D"span-9 height35 paddingTop5 paddingBottom5 last">
[% IF pager.previous_page %]
<a href=3D"[% c.req.uri_with( page =3D> pager.first_page ) %]"
class=3D"noborder">« Primeira</a>
<a href=3D"[% c.req.uri_with( page =3D> pager.previous_page ) %]"
class=3D"noborder">< Anterior </a>
[% END %]
[% IF pager.next_page %]
<a href=3D"[% c.req.uri_with( page =3D> pager.next_page ) %]"
class=3D"noborder">Pr=F3xima > </a>
<a href=3D"[% c.req.uri_with( page =3D> pager.last_page ) %]"
class=3D"noborder">=DAltima » </a>
[% END %]
<div class=3D"span-16 height35 paddingTop5 paddingBottom5">
[%# P=E1gina pager.current_page %]
start =3D (pager.current_page - 6) > 0 ?
(pager.current_page - 6) : 1;
end =3D (pager.current_page + 6) < pager.last_page ?
(pager.current_page + 6) : pager.last_page;
FOREACH page IN [ start .. end ]
[% IF pager.current_page =3D=3D page %]
<a class=3D"current"> [% page %] </a>
[% ELSE %]
<a href=3D"[% c.req.uri_with( page =3D> page ) %]">[% page %=
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 11:21 PM, Matthew Braid <dbixclass at mdb.id.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to do pagination for a site I'm building in Catalyst, and my
> underlying RDMS is mysql. Rather than using count and search, I want
> to use mysql's SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS modifier and the 'SELECT
> FOUND_ROWS()' statement (since that's a lot faster than count+search).
> Unfortunately I have no idea how to actually do this with DBIx::Class.
> My initial guess for the first part was something along the lines of:
> $rs->search({column =3D> 'value'}, {select =3D> ['SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *'=
> ....})
> This did the right thing database-wise (DBIC_TRACE revealed exactly
> the right SQL statement), but the resulting rows' accessors (like id,
> name etc) all returned nothing - I ended up with a big table of no
> data.
> So I changed it to:
> $rs->search({column =3D> 'value'}, {columns =3D> ['SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS =
> ...})
> But this resulted in an invalid SQL statement since 'me.' had been
> prepended to 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'.
> Even if I had succeeded in getting the first part working, I have no
> idea how to go about formulating the statement 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'
> with DBIx::Class - there's no FROM table, and from what I can tell
> DBIx::Class seems to assume there is always a table.
> Is there a method for doing both of this statements? Falling back to
> using the raw database handle $schema->storage->dbh seems to be a bit
> of a shame here....
> Thanks,
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