[Dbix-class] Got a problem using DBIC+Params::Validate

Konstantin A. Pustovalov lamoz at adriver.ru
Fri Mar 26 14:05:37 GMT 2010


I'm getting strange behavior with the following ResultSet class:

package Test::Schema::ResultSet::User;
use strict;
use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
use Params::Validate qw/:all/;
sub touch {
     validate_pos( @_, { isa => __PACKAGE__ } );


With this resultset class calling touch() issues 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM 
User me:'

 > Test::Schema->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:' )->resultset( 
'User' )->touch;

What i'm doing wrong?

DBIC version 0.08120
Params::Validate version 0.95


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