[Dbix-class] Lazy Columns via proxy

Ovid publiustemp-dbic at yahoo.com
Mon May 17 13:41:50 GMT 2010

Still working on the "lazy" column problem and I was thinking about:


And in your code:

    package My::Schema::Result::SomeTable;
    use parent 'DBIx::Class';

    __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id this that/);
    # I think this would have to be done after the primary key
    __PACKAGE__->add_lazy_columns(qw/more columns/);

(I *know* that doing this on a class-based instead of an instance-based basis is problematic, but we have technical details which mitigate this problem for us)

My strategy for implementing this to internally create:

    package My::Schema::Result::SomeTable::Lazy;
    use Modern::Perl;
    use parent 'DBIx::Class';

    __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/id more columns/);

And add this relationship to the original table:

      lazy_columns => 'My::Schema::Result::SomeTable::Lazy',
      undef => { proxy => \@lazy_columns },

I think I'll have to override new() or insert() to pull off the lazy columns from the arguments and create them via the new ::Lazy class to make this backwards-compatible.

Does this strategy seem workable?

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