[Dbix-class] ASE.pm uninitialized value warning

koxon nicolas.menciere at ms.com
Wed Aug 10 07:47:31 GMT 2011


After making my code works (see: “SQL Query generation issue” post), I
encountered a little issue but a noisy one.
For each update I do in my table, I have this warning:

*Use of uninitialized value in exists at
[...]/DBIx-Class/0.08127/lib/perl5/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ASE.pm line

It works well for INSERT or SELECT queries.

Here is a generated request that makes ASE.pm bark (any update request does
so far):

*UPDATE pims_inventory SET Modified = ?, RAG_Status = ?,
TO_Outage_Notification_Groups = ?, Version = ? WHERE ( ID = ? ): '2011-08-09
02:39:48', 'Green', 'itsec-lev1; itsec-lev2; ', '9', '2389'*

Here is the ResultSet file for my table:

*package SecDSG::PIMS::Schema::Result::PimsInventory;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;

my @table_columns = qw/
    Hostname RAG_Status Comments_Notes Hardware Date_for_Next_Status
    Serial_Number Site City Country Region Purchase_Price
    Purchase_Date Device_Function Category Products_Services Plant_Type
    Year_Depreciated TO_Outage_Notification_Groups Floor Room Cabinet
    Secured_Room Alias Division PO_Number MCM_Number Status Sysloc
    Next_Status DOCS_URL Base_OS OS_Version OS_Name LinkTitle
    VALUE Local_IT_Contact GRN ownership Editor Modified

# ID Column gets special treatment in order to ensure
# TEXT to INTEGER conversion
    'ID' => {'data_type' => 'INTEGER'},
    'Version' => {'data_type' => 'INTEGER'},
    'VALUE' => {'data_type' => 'INTEGER'},
    'Year_Depreciated' => {'data_type' => 'INTEGER'},
    'Date_Order_Placed' => {'data_type' => 'smalldatetime'},
    'Date_Equip_Recieved' => {'data_type' => 'smalldatetime'},
    'Date_Deployed' => {'data_type' => 'smalldatetime'},
    'Date_Production' => {'data_type' => 'smalldatetime'},


The packages versions I am using:
    'DBI'                => '1.616',
    'DBD-Sybase'         => '1.11-oc15.5.0.07',
    'DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader' => '0.07001',
    'DBIx-Class'         => '0.08127',
    'syb/sgp'            => '1.0',
    'SQL-Abstract'       => '1.72',
    'SQL-Abstract-Limit' => '0.141',*

This is how I execute my update:

   * my $delta = shift; # Hash reference containing only the fields to

    # Dumper output of the HASH
    # VAR1 = {
    #      'Version' => '11',
    #      'RAG_Status' => 'Green',
    #      'Modified' => '2011-08-09 02:54:42',
    #      'TO_Outage_Notification_Groups' => 'itsec-lev1; itsec-lev2; '
    #    };

    my $schema = $self->{'schema'};
    eval {
        my $update_rs = $schema->resultset($source)->search_rs({'ID' =>
I took a pick at the ASE.pm module but I have to time to investigate the
issue origin. 
Hopefully you could help me fix this.

Thanks !

View this message in context: http://dbix-class.35028.n2.nabble.com/ASE-pm-uninitialized-value-warning-tp6671385p6671385.html
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